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Sustainable Urban Centre for Gallneukirchen

The project “the next level” is based on the fundamental idea of developing  a cross-regionally significant living space with the following main content areas

  • Shopping
  • Working
  • Living
  • Sustainability

To develop. This concept is to be completed by a diverse restaurant and cultural offer and to set a sustainable impulse in the center of Gallneukirchen by new climatically effective squares and pathways. The newly developed area in a central location should be a central meeting place for young and old and provide a pleasant living, leisure and working environment for the residents and guests of Gallneukirchen.


Riepl Gründe
Location: Gallneukirchen, Austria
Volume: 5,500 m² Site Area | 6,500 m² GFA
Duration: 2012 – 2013

Location Study and Market Analysis
Pre-Feasibility Study
Product Concept
Consultant Selection Procedure